1.Computer discovered by Charls Babaje of England.
2.Airplane discovered by Orvil & Willver rite of U.S.A.
3.Telephone discovered by Alexgender gram ball of U.S.A.
4.Television discovered by John. L. Bayard of England.
5.Camera discovered by Jyes of Germany.
6.Teli-flim discovered by Tomas Alvha Adison of U.S.A.
7.Thairmo-miter discovered by Fahrenheit of Germany.
8.Boil Engin discovered by Jhams Wate of Scotland.
9.Printing-Prass discovered by Cacxton of Germany.
10.Electric Fan discovered by Wholesaler of U.S.A.
11.Motor Car discovered by Austine of England.
12.Electric Bulb discovered by Tomas Alva Addison of U.S.A.
13.Microscope discovered by Lionel Huck of Nether land.
14.Helicopter discovered by Egor Cigarillo of U.S.A.
15.Sub-Marin discovered by Robert Fulton of U.S.A.
16.Refrigerator discovered by Jams harison of U.S.A.
17.By-sical discovered by Mackmilon in England.
18.Revolver discovered by Colt of U.S.A.
19.Radio discovered by Marcony of Italy.
20.Dianamo discovered by Mical Faroad of England.
21.Dinamite discovered by Alfrade Noble of Sweden.
22.Telegraph discovered by F.B.Mose of U.S.A.
23.Penicillin discovered by Alexjender Flaming of England.
24.Homo-pa thick discovered by Hanyman of Germany.
25.Malaria discovered by Ronald Rose of France.
26.X-ray discovered by Rontgen of Germany.
27.Robot discovered by Williams Congress of England.
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